When I first bought a Mudbuster, I waited awhile before using it. Of course after I started using it, my floors were much cleaner. And of course so were my dog’s paws. As people we go in for pedicures and foot treatments. It is the same for your loyal best friend!
THE MUDBUSTER: Cost: $18.91 (32% off). Available At Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
To use it, fill it with warm water and a couple of drops of Dawn Dish Detergent. I use Dawn because it’s safe for animals. Use it when your dogs paws are muddy, or any time you want to wash them.
I have my dog stand and wait. Then I dip each paw. The “>Mudbuster is tall. So it cleans the whole paw and a bit more than paw. It’s perfect for traveling or camping. I use mine here at home.
After I dip each dog paw in and out of the Mudbuster, I dip the paw in a small bucket of plain, warm water. Or you can just spray each paw off with a Spray Bottle of Water. Then I towel dry with a baby soft washcloth!
Follow up with a tiny treat. Use something like Dried Beef Heart that’s very memorable. Dried Beef Heart Dog Treats can be found here: shop all natural dog treats and chews.
If you are Clicker Training Your Dog, do click your clicker before you give the treat! If you are not Clicker Training Your Dog, here’s where you can get the book: Clicker Train Your Dog! It’s the fastest way to get the results you want. It’s the ultimate enhancement of life with your well behaved dog.
My dog thinks he’s getting a paw massage!
Look at the inside of the Mudbuster! Many dogs experience a light foot massage to their pawpads when you use it. The Mudbuster can also be disassembled for thorough cleaning. You can remove the insert, and clean that(as well as the entire device).
Mudbuster! You can get them in all different colors!
Dawn Dish Detergent! Safe for animals!
Clicker Train Your Dog book gets you fast results!
Dog Clickers enhance your dogs’ memory of the exact, desired behaviors.
Shop All Natural Dog Treats and Chews!
If you ever need a paw or have any questions, feel free to leave them below. I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,