What Is Heartworm Disease in Dogs? What is Heartguard Plus?

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What is Heartworm Disease and how do you protect your dog from it?

Heartworm Disease is a worm infestation that can occur inside the large vessels of the dog’s heart. The dog contracts the worm from a mosquito bite. The mosquito carries the hearworm, and infects the dog this way.

Heartworm infestation and infection can cause death in dogs. However you can prevent your dog from getting infected with Heartworm to begin with. You can protect your dog, and prevent this from happening using a monthly prevention chew that you give your dog. He/she takes the chew as a treat once a month. The prevention chew tastes like a treat also! So dogs love to get their monthly prevention chew treat!

The product that protects your dog from Heartworm, including other types of worms, is called Heartguard Plus. You can get Heartguard Plus in two size boxes. The green box is for dogs up to 50 pounds. The brown box is for dogs who are over 50 pounds.

When is the earliest my dog can start using Heartguard Plus for prevention and protection? Generally puppies start using Heartguard Plus monthly prevention chews at the time of their third set of puppy vaccinations. Definitely ask your veterinarian about when your puppy or dog can start using Heartguard Plus monthly prevention. It requires that a veterinarian approve the ordering/purchase of the product.

Usually with a new puppy the veterinarian can get you started on this. With a new/unknown dog, the veterinarian may test the dog for Heartworm first. If the dog is Heartworm negative, they can start getting the Heartguard Plus prevention chew right away. If they are Heartworm positive, your veterinarian can advise you about treatment for Heartworm (which usually occurs first). They can go over the risks/costs of treatment.

Treatment for a Heartworm positive dog condition can cost upwards of $2000., and may include follow up veterinarian checks, X-rays, and testing.

Why subject yourself or your dog, when you can purchase Heartguard Plus monthly prevention chews.

Is Heartguard Plus for prevention the same as using a dog monthly flea/tick prevention?  No.  Using dog monthly flea/tick prevention is a separate/different product.  You will need Heartguard Plus monthly prevention chews  in addition to any monthly flea/tick prevention you are doing.  Ask your veterinarian about both.

Keep your dog safe with Heartguard Plus. You can shop for it here.

Heartguard Plus

Heartworm is a disease you can prevent! Protect your dog from it!  

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All the best,



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