What are Kevlar Dog Beds and Kevlar Dog Crate Pads and Why Do People Use Them

Welcome to Dog Work Supply where we talk about all things dog!

So many times, dogs chew up their dog beds and crate pads!

When a dog chews up a dog bed or crate pad, it can be a choke hazard. It can also create a blockage in their digestive system if they ingest pieces of the dog bed or crate pad. Oftentimes the beds and crate pads are made of materials not intended to be chewed, or, ingested by the dog.

Enter stage left: KELVLAR Dog Beds and Crate Pads!

Now you can buy dog beds and crate pads that are made of a material designed to protect your dog from this danger!! I have personally known persons who had Kevlar dog beds last past five years!!! This is because they are chew resistant, and it’s very difficult for the dog to destruct them in the same manner as a fluffy, regular dog bed/crate pad.

You can look at Kevlar Dog Beds and Crate Pads Here!

Shop here to find Kevlar and chew resistant dog beds/crate pads

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Please read each ad on each dog bed or crate pad to ensure they are made of Kevlar, or, other proven chew resistant materials!

We hope you have found the safe Kevlar Dog Bed or Crate Pad of your dog’s dreams!!!!!

If you ever need a paw or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,



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